Abderrahim, AL MAZOUZI
General Secretariat /Fellow Expert
Dr Al Mazouzi is working as Fellow Expert and Research Engineer in charge of collaborative projects and European affairs at EDF R&D-production programme that he joined since April 2009.
He is acting as the general secretariat of the ETIP SNETP since 2018.
He is member of the Secretariat of the European Industrial Alliance on SMRs
Dr. Al Mazouzi got his PhD in material science in 1989. He worked as Post Doc at Hahn Meitner Institute in Berlin/Germany, visiting scientist at Kyoto University Japan, as researcher at the Polytechnical School of Lausanne and project manager at Paul Scherrer institute in Switzerland, then as Senior scientist at SCK.CEN/Belgium before Joining EDF/France.
He initiated and coordinated various international and European projects.
He is author or co-author of more than 100 peer reviewed papers, and is member of many international and regional scientific and advisory groups.