Huub Keizers
Business manager Circular Construction & International Collaboration
Function: Manager Circular Construction & International Collaboration at TNO
Other roles: Strategic Advisor TKI Bouw en Techniek; Coordinator NL AI Coalition Built Environment; Member of ECTP and Building Smart International; Board member Built4People Board member, ENBRI (European Network of Building Research Institutes) and CIB (Collaboration International Batiment), Chair WLC-GWP Task group (ENBRI), Co-chair Passive Cooling (GlobalABC) and Co-chair Digitalization of Buildings (IWG5)
Huub Keizers is Manager Circular Constructions & International Collaboration at TNO. Huub has chaired and participated in several National, European and NATO working groups in the field of safety, lifetime extension, energy efficiency, digitalization and AI. Huub is member of ECTP and Building Smart International and Board member of ENBRI, Built4People and CIB. In his role, Huub chairs several working groups, with focus on innovation in the construction sector and international knowledge sharing. Huub co-chaired the Taskforce on Digitalization of Buildings and will present the results of the whitepaper prepared.