Teresa Cuerdo Vilches

Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Sciences, IETcc-CSIC; IWG5Buildings

PhD architect

PhD architect, MSc in Sustainable Cities and Buildings, and MSc. in Building Energy. Researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). She leads and participates in national and international research projects and networks on energy, habitability, indoor environmental quality in buildings and cities, and their impact on health and well-being, such as energy poverty, urban & social adaptation to climate change, and energy transition. She co-chairs the Implementation Working Group 5 on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, for the European SET Plan Implementation, co-leading the Tasks Forces 3) on clean heating & cooling technologies, Thermal Energy Storage, and 5) on Just Transition, funded by the European Commission. She has been working on Technical Assessment and Knowledge Transfer Agreements with licensed patents on solar cooling absorption LiBr-H2O machines, and HVAC advanced solutions with renewable energy generation. She is an associate professor at the European University of Madrid, participating in several Masters’ Degrees: 1) International MBA in Construction Management; 2) International MSc in Renewable Energies; and 3) MSc in Sustainable Architecture and Bioconstruction. Her research topics are: Buildings indoor environmental quality and environmental comfort; bioclimatic, efficient air conditioning and renewable energy solutions; energy transition; social housing and energy vulnerable population; mitigation and adaptation of buildings and cities to Climate Change; city and building challenges in the post-COVID era; innovative construction and energy systems.